Information in English

Das Bild zeigt eine Ärztin bei der Untersuchung einer Patientin.

Statutory health insurance

Roughly 90 percent of the population in Germany are members of statutory health insurance and are entitled to receive benefits to maintain and restore their health or to improve their state of health. In this section you will find general information about the statutory health insurance, its financing and the medical aids list. You will also learn how prices for new medicines are determined and their benefits assessed.

Der Vorstand von links nach rechts: Dr. Doris Pfeiffer, Dr. Martin Krasney, Stephanie Stoff-Ahnis

About us

The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds has taken on a central role in the German healthcare system as from 1 July 2008, being the central association of the health insurance funds at federal level in accordance with section 217 a of Book V of the German Social Code (SGB V). You will learn about GKV-Spitzenverband, its organisation, task, bodies and how to find us.

Das Bild zeigt eine Hand, die Notizen in einen Ordner macht.

Further Information

In this section you will find a collection of internet pages, which inform you about the German statutory health insurance.